Sit Happens T T Shirt


Sit Happens T T Shirt

First ask your parents if they need any help with anything (chores, dishes, running errands, etc.). Then make sure your room and bathroom are tidy and that none of your belongings are scattered around the house. Now, take a bath if you do that at night, get dressed for bed and brush your teeth and get out the Bible andread the Christmas story. (My favorite one is the first 2 chapters of Luke in the New Testament). This would be awesome to do with your family. Now say a prayer with your family, give each person a hug and go to bed. Now it gets harder! Close your eyes and try to remem ber everything you can about the Christmas story in the Bible and about Christmases in the past. Remember gifts you gave, food you ate, carols you sang, everything you can remember. If you are still awake, say your own silent prayer and ask God to help you relax and fall asleep. Then lay perfectly still on your back. Make sure you are comfortable and that the lights are off in your room.

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