Darko Band Teardrop Sunshine Shirt


Darko Band Teardrop Sunshine Shirt

What is the big deal about December 25th? According to most people oh it’s when Jesus was born, wrong. Others says similar things too, still wrong. Anybody who actually has studied the Darko Band Teardrop Sunshine Shirt of Christmas can tell you, December 25th is the height of the Winter solstice. Proof of point, if Jesus was 33 1/2 years old when he was crucified. With Easter being the time of his Crucifixion & Resurrection. Basic math disproves the whole Jesus being born in December at all. In historical fact, the Winter solstice is just another time of year people would sacrifice their children to thier current “god(s)”. The word Christmas comes from the Catholic church absorbing pagon holidays to attract new people from new areas. They’d originally been called having Christ Mas. Like Sunday Mas. People just started running the words together.

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